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The conference is now over, but you can still access all of the sessions by purchasing a pass.

2024 SkeptiCal Conference

ONLINE July 19-21

First ever GLOBAL Skeptics in the Pub on Friday July 19
Online conference Saturday and Sunday July 20-21

Check out our amazing roster of speakers, panelists, and events
(more to be announced shortly)

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SkeptiCal is the scientific skepticism conference
brought to you by Northern California Skeptics.

The SkeptiCal Conference brings stimulating and entertaining speakers to a world-wide audience of science fans, critical thinkers, and, in the words of Carl Sagan, questioners of “extraordinary claims”. Join us for two engaging days of speakers, interviews, and discussions. And – test your wits on a round of SkeptiCal trivia, and try your hand at SkeptiCal’s popular Skepardy! game.

SkeptiCal is sponsored by the northern California skeptical groups. For more information about SkeptiCal Conference, check our INFO page.